Can cultural engagement and academic research change
the world?
—We Think so!
Slavery North is a one-of-a-kind academic and cultural destination where scholars, thinkers, artists, and cultural producers build community and produce research and cultural outcomes that transform our understanding of the neglected histories of Transatlantic Slavery in Canada and the American North
Download Slavery North’s Informational Booklet to learn more.
Slavery North seeking to advance social justice
By recuperating and interrogating the complex histories of Transatlantic Slavery and European colonization of the Americas, and recovering the cultures, experiences, lives, and resistance of enslaved peoples in Canada and the American North. We do this by building a supportive research community through fellowships, programs, events, publications, media work, and education.
Historical Archive
Slavery North is a research institute that was established in 2022. It combines a focus on slavery in Canada and the American North. It is an international first.
More About Us
Slavery North is a research institute that was established in 2022. It combines a focus on slavery in Canada and the American North.
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Interview with Founding Director, Charmaine A. Nelson
Before there was Canada and the USA, there was British North America.
Historical Archive
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Dr. Charmaine A. Nelson Director & Provost Professor of Art History
Is supported in this work by wonderful Research Assistants, an esteemed Advisory Board, affiliated centres, and dedicated staff at the University of Massachusetts.
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