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Center for the Study of Slavery in Charleston

College of Charleston, South Carolina, USA

Ruth J. Simmons Center for the Study of Slavery and Justice

Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, USA

Center for Studying Structures of Race

Roanoke College, Virginia, USA

The Harriet Tubman Institute for Research on Africa and its Diasporas

York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Wilberforce Institute for the study of Slavery and Emancipation

University of Hull, UK

Historic Deerfield

Deerfield, Massachusetts, USA

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There is no other dedicated, specialized initiative of this kind in the world. Let us tell you more about our ground-breaking work.

Doctor Charmaine A. Nelson

Dr. Charmaine A. Nelson Director & Provost Professor of Art History

Is supported in this work by wonderful Research Assistants, an esteemed Advisory Board, affiliated centres, and dedicated staff at the University of Massachusetts.

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