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21 August 1783 – RAN AWAY From the Subscriber, S’EST enfui de chez le soussigné

21 August 1783 – RAN AWAY From the Subscriber, S’EST enfui de chez le soussigné

Article Name RAN AWAY From the Subscriber, S'EST enfui de chez le soussigné

Location Quebec

Paper Type Quebec Gazette

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document type Newspaper Advertisement

number 939

page p. 2

reward three guineas reward, 3 guineas, trois guinées de recompense, 3 guinées récompense

date time of escape copy Thursday the 31st Utl; 31 July 1783; August 7, 1783, Jeudi 31 du passé; 31 Juillet 1783; le 7 Aoust, 1783

name Charles,Pre. Guerout

sex Male, lad, mâle

age 20, twenty, 20 years of age, 20 ans

time of life Adult

Alone / Group Alone

height five feet four or five inches high, 5'4", 5'5", five feet four inches, five feet five inches,5 pieds 4 a 5 pouces du haut, 5 pieds 4 pouces, 5 pieds 5 pouces

clothing short grey jacket, large linen trowsers,bougrine grise, des grandes culottes de toile

body type or marks white mark on the right side of his forehead, white mark,une mark blanche au coin droit du front

language and accents Speaks English and a little French and German, English, French, German, parle Anglois, et un peu François et Allemand, Anglois, François, Allemand

racial type complexion negro, nègre, négre

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