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18 October 1792 – Twenty Dollars Reward.

18 October 1792 – Twenty Dollars Reward.

Article Name Twenty Dollars Reward.

Location Montreal, Sault au Recollet, Sault-au-RĂ©collet, Quebec

Paper Type Montreal Gazette

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document type Newspaper Advertisement

Volume VII

number XLIII

page p. 3

reward $20, twenty dollars reward

date time of escape copy Sunday the 7th; 7 October 1792

name Eber Weldon, Pierre Agie, John Teiple

sex Male, men, man

age 19, nineteen, 26, twenty- six

time of life Adult

Alone / Group Group

height 5'9", six feet nine inches

clothing brown surtout coat, jean coat, leggings, pair of boots, coarse hat,brown surcoat coat, brown coat, striped vest

body type or marks smallpox, much marked with the small-pox

skills and ability shoe-maker, apprentice,Tanner, currier

language and accents broken english

racial type complexion mulatto

ethnicity nationality place of birth Canadian

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