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23 June 1785 – RAN AWAY the 28th or 29th of last Month, Une Pouffe’ le 28 us 29 du Mois passé

23 June 1785 – RAN AWAY the 28th or 29th of last Month, Une Pouffe’ le 28 us 29 du Mois passé

Article Name RAN AWAY the 28th or 29th of last Month, Une Pouffe' le 28 us 29 du Mois passé

Location Quebec

Paper Type Quebec Gazette

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document type Newspaper Advertisement

number 1033

page p. 3

reward 6$, six dollars reward, six piastres

date time of escape copy 28th or 29th of last Month; 28 May 1785; 29 May 1785; 6th June, 1785, le 28 ou 29 du Mois passe; 28 Mai 1785; 29 Mai 1785; 6 Juin, 1785

name Cuff, Elizabeth McNiell, Elizabeth M'Niell

sex Male, man

age 38, about 38, d'eviron 38 ans

time of life Adult

Alone / Group Alone

height 5'8", 5 feet 8 inches , 5 pieds 8 pouces

clothing white shirt, drab coloured waistcoat, sleeves of old stockings, blue green coat, round hat with a band and buckle, pair of green leggins, black buckes in his shoes, chemise blanche, veste grise, manches de vieux bas, redingote bleue, chapau rond avec bande et boucle, mitasses vertes, boucles noires a ses souluers

body type or marks some scars on his temples, scarred temples, scar on one of his hands, scarred hand, quelques cicatrices sur les temples, cicatrice sur une main

racial type complexion negro, nègre, négre

miscellaneous key words Captains of vessels , Capitaines de vaisseaux

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